How To Prepare For The Super Black Moon


On Wednesday 31st July at 8:11pm PST (11:11pm EST) we will experience a Super New Moon in Leo, also known as “The Black Moon.” This new moon will open doors to the next chapter in your life.

So what exactly is the Black Moon?

A new moon occurs in the lunar phase when the moon lines up with the sun, blocking all illumination, making it invisible in the night sky. The new moon is associated with new beginnings and encourages you to take a look at your current habits and how you can evolve to leave behind everything that has not been working for you and create a reality which you truly desire. The black moon occurs when there are two new moons in the same calendar month. The first new moon occurred earlier this month on July 2nd which created an amazing solar eclipse in South America. The second new moon is scheduled for July 31st at 8:11pm PST (11:11 EST) which is exclusive to the Americas since the New Moon occurs on August 1st for the rest of the world.

The black moon will bring intense energy mirrored by the energy expressed by the Leo star sign to be brave, bold and creative. You may have noticed that you have experienced significant emotionally challenging situations this past month, but do not be discouraged these have prepared you for what is to come in this next phase of your life.

The intense energy from the black moon encourages you to aim higher and achieve the things you feel called to. As this new black moon opens doors to the next stage in your life, you must prepare yourself to achieve more growth and abundance. Focus on the positive aspects in your life and do not be distracted by negative attributes leaving your life, let these go! This next chapter in your life will be focused on strengthening your clarity and building a stronger network of positive people. Learn to trust your gut instinct if you feel that a certain situation does not feel right, then you must trust that feeling and leave. This must be applied to all areas of your life: from listening to music to meeting new people. You must learn to trust your instincts.

How to to prepare for the Black Moon

Clear Quartz is an excellent crystal healing stone for increasing clarity and learning to understand your feelings. Moreover Clear Quartz, also known as “The Master Healer” is perfect for setting intentions and gaining control over the energy you are putting out. This powerful crystal can be charged to any intention and is perfect for gaining control over the intense energy of the black moon.

During this new black moon, try meditating with Clear Quartz or even drinking a Clear Quartz elixir, to strengthen your intentions and gain clarity.

Use meditation to take a break, slow down, find balance and take control of this new chapter in your life.

Try drinking a Clear Quartz Crystal Elixir to heal your body from within through positive vibrational energy to take control of the shift in the new black moon, balance your emotions, gain clarity and amplify positive energy!